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Welcome to, where your will find ALL MAGIC, ALL THE TIME. The most unique and amazing magic available. The REAL SECRETS, REAL LESSONS, REAL MAGIC.  We have been on the internet since 1999.   Our TV Channel on Youtube features some amazing magic that you can view.   We have and do carry a wide selection of magic and we update this site regularly, if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us.    We also carry a wide selection of educational magic which will teach you the magic on disks that can be used as a learning tool.  You can even learn magic of the master magicians that you will see performing, such as David Blaine, David Copperfield, Harry Houdidi and much more.

We feature some items that are not available anywhere else. In fact, we are introducing a full line of never before seen new magic, such as new and improved creative methods of magic that is not available anywhere else.   Even some large amazing magic, such as performed by Chris Angel, walking on water.  We will be introducing a new method of doing the walking on water in a swimming pool that does not required all the extensive equipment and setup that can be performed easier.   It is through the introduction of new magic that magic by creative people that magic will be brought into the new technology and into the future.

We also carry a line of themed magic music which can be used in your performances from Magic Performer.   We also offer a full discussion board availabe on our site.

Please visit our magic shop and sign up for our newsletter.    If you setup a user id on our site, your information will be in our system and you will received our newsletters as well as be able to order or communicate without re-entering anything into our system.    Thanks for visiting, where you will find ALL THE MAGIC, ALL THE TIME, started in 1999 as one of the first startups for magic on the internet. We quickly had thousands of followers and internationally and nationally based customers. At the time, we carried over 40,000 magic items. When street magic and David Blaine became popular, we were first to produce a line of CD's which were educational that would teach the magic. Beyond teaching the secrets, we also release the inside techniques and performances that really made the magic special that were not released anywhere else. This covered the critical techniques and performance methods and not just the secrets.

On our first phase of the website, we had music on our website and we showed the magic. The comments and requests that came in from all over was that people wanted to be able to use the music in their performances. In 2007, Magic Performer was started and a line of themed music cd's were released and sold internationally for performers and artists.

When Chris Angel and other magicians became popular, we also featured some educational CD's. Moving into the future, we have also started to produce cutting edge new magic, new ways of doing things that are not done currently. In fact, we already have constructed a new method of walking on water, in any pool, that does not require the extensive setup and extra people that Chris Angel uses. We will be releasing this and other eductional materials in our shop online. As we move forward into the future, you can expect that Magic360 will be bringing you the latest and greatest cutting edge magic available, so be sure to visit us online.

Please visit our magic shop and sign up for our newsletter. If you setup a user id on our site, your information will be in our system and you will received our newsletters as well as be able to order or communicate without re-entering anything into our system. Thanks for visiting